Academy Department
The Academy Department lays the foundation for security education within the BSH. The central event is the Basic Academy on Security Policy (“Grundakademie”). The four-day seminar, which takes place three times a year in Berlin, gives students the opportunity to come into contact with the broad field of foreign and security policy for the first time. Discussions are held with top-tier speakers from research and practice. The lectures and discussions of the seminar thematically deal with fundamental questions of German foreign and security policy, from traditional baselines to current conflicts and challenges of the future. The structure of the seminar is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, researchers from think tanks and consultancies, academics from universities and experts from the field will present the basics of security policy and current hotspots, deepening their knowledge and giving an insight into their academic work as well as their experiences in the field. In the practical part, security policy is made tangible through visits to embassies, federal ministries, the Bundestag and other relevant institutions.
Building on the Basic Academy is the Advanced Academy on Security Policy (“Aufbauakademie”), which has been held annually in Berlin since 2011. The four-day seminar offers students the opportunity to gain an in-depth insight into a specific field of foreign and security policy, which changes annually. Similar to the Basic Academy, the Advanced Academy is divided into a theoretical and a practical part.