Board Department
The Board Department, which is headed by the Federal Chairperson, is entrusted with the general organization of the Association. Coordinating the work of the Federal Executive Board is one of the most important tasks of the Federal Chairperson, in particular organizing, convening and chairing the monthly Executive Board meetings, which are the formal gatherings of the members of the Federal Executive Board. They serve to discuss and pass resolutions on issues where a decision is required. The central management task of the Federal Chairperson is the press and public relations work of the association, i.e. its entire external presentation. This is done, for example, through press releases, interviews, answers to press inquiries or participation in panel discussions. It is a matter of representing the association and appearing on its behalf to the outside world. The most frequent fields of activity in this context are representation at public and closed events as well as maintaining contacts with other organizations, especially cooperation partners.
For the cooperation with the most important partners for the association, the Reservist Association of Deutsche Bundeswehr e.V. (VdRBw) and the Network foreign-and security policy education e.V. (NETZWERK), is also the responsibility of the Federal Chairperson. In addition, the Executive Board department organizes the Federal Assembly, as the BSH's annual general meeting and its highest body. The board department also manages the budget and the association's legal affairs.