University Group Department
The university group department manages more than 25 university groups of the BSH. This includes administrative questions as well as content-related support. The university groups (HSGn) are independent student groups that deal with the topic of security and foreign policy at their university location. In doing so, they are free in the concrete design of their work. Frequently used formats are panel discussions, field trips or lectures, which bring the topic of security policy closer to interested students and offer space for joint discourse. With their work, they reach an average of over 1800 interested students per semester, covering topics such as disinformation and cyber, space security, the Brexit, civil conflict management or the security challenges in the Arctic. Field trips give students the chance to take a look inside security policy institutions. For example, various university groups visited the Federal Ministry of Defense, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, and local fire departments, among others. The university groups are also represented at major events such as the Petersberg Talks, thus promoting an intergenerational exchange on security policy. In formats such as the HSG Seminar and HSG Talks, the groups engage into networking with each other. The HSG seminar is central to this department, as it familiarizes new board members of the HSGn in particular with the basics of security policy work in the association.
University Group Map
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